Folder locations
You can use an exported filesystem, such as NFS, for mounting the following directories, provided the path remains the same.
The following two directories are on the application server:
Stores physical artifacts, like attachments, reports, avatars, diagrams, and metrics. Exported file systems, like NFS, are supported for use with the /data directory.
Contains all log files of the Jama Connect components such as the following:
Apache Tomcat log files, logs all activities in the application
Core Jama Connect log files
Elasticsearch log files
Search service log files
Nginx log files (note that currently only error logging is provided for Nginx)
You cannot change the location where log files are written to, however, you can change the appenders and logging levels for different components of the Jama Connect application. The core Jama Connect application log configuration can be updated in:
The log configuration for Elasticsearch and search service can also be found in
Changes to these configuration files persist when you restart Jama Connect and are applied in a few seconds.
Replicated snapshots are stored in the following location by default:
However, if you change the path to include /data it will be easier to include these snapshots in your regular backups of Jama Connect data at /data/directory, as such:
Note that /snapshots should have three times the space allocated as the rest of /data.