Generate a support bundle (KOTS)
To troubleshoot and diagnose problems with application deployments, you can generate a support bundle to collect and analyze data from your environment.
Jama Support uploads the support bundle to the Replicated vendor portal to view and interpret the analysis, and can open a support request ticket if needed. Severity 1 issues are resolved three times faster when submitted with support bundles.
For internet environments, generate a support bundle from the CLI:
Log in to the KOTS Admin Console, then select the Troubleshoot tab.
Scroll down to the Analyze Jama Connect for support section, then select If you’d prefer to get a command to manually generate a support bundle.
A cURL command appears.
Copy the command.
From the CLI, run the command to generate a support bundle.
For airgap environments, generate a support bundle from the CLI:
Log in to the KOTS Admin Console, then select the Troubleshoot tab.
Scroll down to the Analyze Jama Connect for support section, then select If you’d prefer to get a command to manually generate a support bundle.
A cURL command appears.
Remove the following code from the cURL command:
curl | bash
Your command looks like this:
kubectl support-bundle secret/default/kotsadm-jama-k8s-supportbundle --redactors=configmap/\ default/kotsadm-redact-spec/redact-spec,configmap/default/kotsadm-jama-k8s-redact-spec/redact-spec
Copy the command.
From the CLI, run the command to generate a support bundle.