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Jama Connect User Guide

Troubleshoot HorizontalPodAutoscaler errors if Jama Connect deployment fails

In previous versions of Jama Connect with Kubernetes 1.27.6, the HorizontalPodAutoscaler resources for horizontal scaling were deprecated. If your Jama Connect deployment fails with the following error, you must manually update the Kubernetes secret associated with the deployed Helm release and redeploy Jama Connect.


This process applies only to environments with horizontal scaling enabled.


To modify the Kubernetes Helm release secret:

  1. Retrieve the name of the secret associated with the latest deployed Helm release:

    kubectl get secret -l owner=helm,status=deployed,name=application | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v NAME
  2. Use the secret to save the latest deployed release details to a file:

    kubectl get secret <secret-name> -o yaml > release.yaml
  3. Create a backup of the file you created:

    cp release.yaml release.bak
  4. Decode and generate output of the release object (JSON) found in the file you created:

    cat release.yaml | grep -oP '(?<=release: ).*' | base64 -d | base64 -d | gzip -d >
  5. Using an editor tool, edit the release object data by changing all occurrences that reference the deprecated API version (autoscaling/v2beta1) with the new value (autoscaling/v2) found in the manifest field.

  6. Encode the modified release object:

    cat | gzip | base64 | base64
  7. If the output contains line breaks, you must remove them before you can continue.

  8. Using an editor tool, replace the JSON property value “data.release” in release.yaml with the newly encoded release object value you just created.

  9. Apply the release file:

    kubectl apply -f release.yaml
  10. Deploy Jama Connect.