How users and groups work in Crowd
How users and groups function is impacted when you synchronize users and groups in Crowd connector.
The following actions change:
All groups and users in Crowd that aren't in Jama Connect are added to Jama Connect. New users are assigned the most licenses available. When no licenses are available, users are created and Inactive.
All groups in Jama Connect that aren't in Crowd are removed.
All users that are in Jama Connect, but not in Crowd, are deactivated.
Going forward, all user and organizational group management activities are performed in Crowd.
Organization admins no longer create or edit users and organizational groups in Jama Connect because they are automatically created from Crowd.
The following actions stay the same:
Organization admins retain the ability to assign a license type to users.
Users can continue to upload avatar icons.
Organization and project admins continue to manage project groups within individual projects.
Project level project groups are only managed in Jama Connect and aren't visible in Crowd.
An organization or project admin continues to manage user and group permissions in Jama Connect.
Action in Crowd | Result in Jama Connect |
Group(s) added to “Jama” Application in Crowd | Group created. The name of the group is reused if it already exists. |
Users added to the "Jama" group in Crowd | Users added. Attributes in Jama Connect are overwritten by values from Crowd if a user already exists. |
Group attributes modified | Group attributes are modified. |
User attributes modified | User attributes are modified. |
User added to group | User is added to group. |
User removed from group | User is removed from group. |
Group deleted | Group is deleted. |
User is deactivated | User is deactivated. |
User activated | User is activated. If the user doesn't exist, a new user is created. The new user is assigned the highest available license. If a license isn't available, the user is inactive. |