Configure Crowd authentication
Use Crowd to manage users and groups within a single system. Jama Connect can accept user details from Crowd and sync them with authentication data in Jama Connect.
To configure Crowd authentication:
Log in to Crowd as an administrator.
Select Applications > Add Application, fill in the fields for a new application and select Next.
Application type — Generic Application.
Name — "jama" or any other unique name that identifies Jama Connect as the application.
The name must match. For example, lower case "jama" in the above example.
Description — (Optional) Provide a short description of the application.
Password — Create a new password that Jama Connect uses to access Crowd.
Enter the URL and IP address for Jama Connect, then select Next.
Select the directories that control access to Jama Connect, then select Next.
These directories must exist prior to inclusion.
Select the particular groups in the Crowd Directory you want to have access to Jama Connect, or choose "all users in the directory" if you want all users to have access, then select Next.
Review your configuration, then select Save.
Select System Properties > Authentication Properties and complete the following fields.
Enable Crowd — Select to enable or disable Crowd Connector. When disabled, the Jama Connect database is used for users and passwords.
Crowd location — Enter the URL for the Crowd server.
Crowd application name — Name of the application created in step 2 above.
Crowd application password — Enter the password for Jama Connect that was created in Crowd.
Validation interval — The amount of times a user can access the application prior to re-authenticating. The larger the number, the less communication with Crowd.
Sync Crowd users and groups — Select this option to push Crowd Groups and Users into Jama Connect at regular intervals. Make sure you understand how users and groups in Crowd interact with Jama Connect before you do this.
When syncing with Crowd, Jama Connect assigns licenses as follows:
If there are available named creator licenses, users are assigned a named creator license.
If there are no available creator licenses, users are assigned a float license.
If there are no available creator or float licenses, the user is skipped and it appears in the log.
When Crowd is synced, Jama Connect runs through its list of users, adds new users, and modifies existing users in the Jama Connect userbase. When that's complete, Jama Connect runs through the list again to see if there are any existing users in the Jama Connect userbase that need to be deactivated.
Since Jama Connect makes two passes at adding and deactivating users, you might need to sync twice consecutively for it to work. For example, if you reach your license threshold, don't use float licenses, try adding a new user and deactivating an existing user, or must sync twice consecutively before the new user is given a named license.
You can also select Manual Sync at the bottom of the window to manually synchronize all users and groups. Manual sync removes all Jama Connect configured Users and Groups and insert Crowd users and groups.
Sync interval — Enter the timing interval you would like for Crowd to synchronize groups and users with Jama Connect. This defaults to 30 minutes.
Default Organization for User — Only required when multiple organizations are setup with Jama Connect.
Select Save.
Select Test Connection to test if the configuration values are valid.
Users who are registered in Jama Connect, but not in Crowd, can't access Jama Connect. Other users won't be able to add disabled users to reviews or notifications.