Configure Inbound email (IMAP) settings
Before configuring IMAP, verify that your email server supports IMAP. Your server must support IMAP to enable reply-to emails in the stream.
For more information, see Authenticate an IMAP, POP or SMTP connection using OAuth.
To configure IMAP:
Select System Properties > Inbound email (IMAP).
Select Edit, then select Is IMAP enabled.
Configure the following settings:
Enter the IMAP server URL.
User account
Enter a user account for someone with access to the folder where IMAP emails are saved.
Enter the password for the user account or the OAuth secret.
The port for IMAP connection, typically different from SMTP. Standard ports are Non-SSL:143, SSL:993.
Is SASL XOAuth2 Enabled
Select to enable OAuth authentication and token-based authorization for Microsoft based IMAP connections.
Is SSL Enabled
Select to enable SSL IMAP connections.
Is TLS Enabled
Select to enable TLS IMAP connections.
OAuth Client ID
Enter the client ID (Microsoft AAD Application ID).
OAuth scopes
Enter the resource URLs defining the token authorization request.
OAuth authority
Enter the URL of the authenticating authority or security token service.
Microsoft security token service example:{microsoft_tenant_id}
Incoming mail folder
(Required) Enter the name of the mail folder to read collaboration replies from.
Error mail folder
(Required) Enter the name of the mail folder to move unknown emails to. Unknown emails are non-collaboration emails.
Is debugging enabled
Select to enable debug level logging for failing IMAP connections. After enabling, check the server logs and test the connection.
Select Save.