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Jama Connect User Guide

Configure dedicated Elasticsearch nodes (KOTS)

Your primary KOTS server (node) is referred to as a KOTS stack.  To run Elasticsearch, you must add one or more secondary nodes where Elasticsearch will run, and configure the nodes to run Elasticsearch.

Important considerations
  • This task is optional .

  • You must have a functioning primary KOTS server and a secondary server where Replicated KOTS has not yet been installed. For secondary node specifications, see Application server requirements.

  • This task is appropriate for a new node and an existing node.

  • Contact Support to enable remote Elasticsearch for your Replicated license.

To configure your nodes:

  1. Make sure communication is established between primary (KOTS stack) and secondary (where Elasticsearch will run) KOTS nodes. For more information, see Prepare your application server.

  2. On the secondary node, configure the memory settings for Elasticsearch.

    echo "vm.max_map_count=262144" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
    sudo sysctl -p
  3. On the Admin Console of the primary node below Version history, select Check for updates to synch the changes made to your license.

  4. Select the Config tab and, if you see the following message, select Edit the latest config.

  5. Scroll down to the Elasticsearch Settings section and follow the steps shown to add a dedicated Elasticsearch node.

  6. Set the number of Elasticsearch nodes to match the number of dedicated KOTS nodes that you configured.

  7. Adjust the maximum memory and CPU that each Elasticsearch node can use based on the specifications of each dedicated KOTS node set up for Elasticsearch. For more information, see Application server requirements and Resource sizing for application server.

  8. Select Save config.

  9. Deploy the changes.

  10. When the Elasticsearch cluster is up and running, reindex all items.